(English below.)
というわけで、この日をお祝いすべく"10th Anniversary Party"を開催したいと思います。
TimeTable | Min | Speaker | Title |
13:00- | 25min | @k_nishijima | あれから10年、これから10年(仮) |
5min | ちょっとCoffee break | ||
13:30- | 45min | 亀田さん | いま最も熱いAWSアップデート |
14:15- | 5min | 糸数さん | 弊社のAWS活用事例(仮) |
5min | @okeee0315 | 私とJAWS-UG沖縄(仮) | |
5min | 渥美さん | 私とJAWS-UG沖縄(仮) | |
14:30- | 15min | Coffee break | |
14:45- | 45min | @328__ and Rafael | Security workshop and case study |
15:30- | 5min | 金春さん | 大阪の会社がJAWS-UGで得た沖縄との熱い縁 |
5min | Who? | ||
5min | 喜多羅さん | 手土産はチキンラーメン(仮) | |
15:45- | 15min | Coffee break | |
16:00- | 15min | @shumach217 | ビーチパーティーがしたいんじゃ |
15min | @uranariz | 私のキャリアとコミュニティ | |
15min | 沼口さん | コミュニティ担当がみた地域支部の課題と期待 | |
16:45- | 15min | @asumaslv | Closing |
17:00- | 60min | Party time (オンライン飲み:自由参加) | オリオンビールを片手にどうぞ^^ |
As few of you may remember, September 26, 2011 was the date of the first meeting of JAWS-UG Okinawa. Therefore, this September 26th will be our 10th anniversary.
(Although we haven't been able to do anything in the last two years due to the hateful COVID-19)
So, to celebrate this day, we would like to hold a "10th Anniversary Party".
In that case, please proceed loosely with only those who can maintain a connection!
We've set up a server on Discord, so please join us there (no one will be there, but there may be someone there for testing from time to time).
You can also join by just using your browser.
2025年1月より引っ越しました! 今後のイベントは https://jawsug-okinawa.connpass.com/ にてお知らせいたしますので、是非↑をチェックしてください! Japan Amazon Web Services ユーザーグループ沖縄支部 詳しい情報は https://jaws-ug.jp/ または https://www.facebook.com/grou...