(English below.)
昨今の外出自粛要請を受けまして、リアルイベントは開催できないもののオンラインで何かできないか?ということをテストして見るために「JAWS-UG沖縄 Remote Edition」を開催します。
In response to the recent calls for restraint on going out, we will hold "JAWS-UG Okinawa Remote Edition" in order to test and see what we can do.
This time, we will hold a test to see what each person's equipment and acoustics are capable of doing.
If you would like to participate in the test, please prepare the following equipment in advance and come to the test.
To adjust the volume, etc., connect it and then adjust it with the help of other people around you.
I'd like to try this because I'm sure I can deliver my PC screen and do lightning talk.
If you would want to try, you need to share the screen with your PC to talk, so please install the PC version of the client application before using it.
We've set up a voice chat server on Discord, so please join us here (we're planning to make it a permanent server).
(We don't have an administrator here at all, but there may be someone there for testing from time to time).
You can also join with just your browser.
We don't think anything in particular.
Time is the time, so I think it's time to have a drink and LT those who want to LT LT.
We know that remote drinking sessions last forever, but this time we will finish at 9:00 p.m. (If you want to stay, you can stay as you see fit).
2025年1月より引っ越しました! 今後のイベントは https://jawsug-okinawa.connpass.com/ にてお知らせいたしますので、是非↑をチェックしてください! Japan Amazon Web Services ユーザーグループ沖縄支部 詳しい情報は https://jaws-ug.jp/ または https://www.facebook.com/grou...